Most provinces and territories provincial nominee programs have a permanent resident stream with a work permit component. The goal of these pilot programs is to attract and retain immigrants in smaller communities by testing innovative approaches to permanent immigration. The Federal government created and approved the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot program along with the Atlantic Immigration Pilot program as well.

Canada need these programs to be able to bounce back now that Canada is controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. Jobs available before the pandemic are still waiting to be filled today. Canadian employers need these programs to attract and retain foreigners so that their businesses flourish again.

Any decision maker from a Visa Post who returned home to Canada to wait out the pandemic should be ordered back to work as soon as possible. The Federal government should authorize overtime to bring temporary work permit (TWP) processing times back to pre pandemic levels. The current levels of TWP processing times as of August 07th, 2020 are totally unacceptable.

 Albania                 15 weeks

Australia              16 weeks

Belgium               19 weeks

Bangladesh         15 weeks

China                    17 weeks

France                  20 weeks

Hungary              15 weeks

India                     21 weeks

Morocco             28 weeks

Oman                   15 weeks

Pakistan               15 weeks

Qatar                    15 weeks

Poland                 15 weeks

South Africa       22 weeks

UAE                      41 weeks

USA                       19 weeks

Please explain to me why any applicant would have to fly to another country to be able to submit their temporary work permit application. They can submit their TWP application from a country that could process their application within 2 – 4 weeks which is allowed by the immigration regulations? Will the employer be responsible for covering some of the applicant’s accommodation costs while processing their workers applications? If Canadian wants their economy to bounce back after COVID-19 they need to tell IRCC decision makers to work faster and stay longer in their offices to issue temporary work permits.

 Roy Kellogg



Spouse Refused? OPTIONS
